Sunday, May 06, 2007

Advertising new weblog and one preview pic

Just a quick note. First I want to advertise my new weblog BrownNoiseMusic which I started last Monday. If your familiar with BrownNoisePhotos the name doesn't need much explanation, I guess. BrownNoise is of course the nickname I choosed when I started this photoweblog in August 2005. In this post I explained where the name BrownNoise comes from. So when BrownNoisePhotos is about pictures and photography then it won't surprise you that BrownNoiseMusic is about music. At BrownNoiseMusic you'll find future reports about new musical discoveries I did (old and new stuff), reviews about new CD's I've listened to, music-DVD's I've watched, interesting or fascinating musicvideos I found on the net. You can find posts about classical music, jazz, pop, rock, indie, singer-songwritermusic, world music etc...

In the near future I also might start a weblog about movies and one about books/literature. It probably won't be hard to find out what the name of those weblogs will be.

To finish this post I'll end with a preview of some pics I will post within a few days. This one was made a week ago during a cyclingtrip I've made through one of my regular routes next to the river Vecht. It is a remarkable and noticeable markingpoint in the landscape, although I must admit I didn't notice it during one of my previous cyclingtrips. But because it was on the other side of the river Vecht and I probaly was paying attention to the traffic on my side of the river I didn't saw it before. It's some kind of electricity distribution house.

Today I also went on a cyclingtrip in the early morning. During this trip I shot mostly pictures of birds with newborn babies. I'll post some pics from this trip also later this week.

More pictures will follow soon during the upcoming week.

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